Sunday, October 11, 2009

ENG 102 assignment 2

This week I worked on my outline for the next English 102 assignment and gathered informative articles and references to contrast my opinions or preferences in differences between brand name and generic groceries. I also completed the first round or draft paper for this project. Having missed valuable class time and discussion this past week I feel that this task may not be complete, however in doing the research for my paper I have learned quite a bit and have formed a definite preference between the two choices. My system of values is evident throughout the paper. Other consumers preferences were included with comparison or agreement. I found the lengthy assignment easy to accomplish once all the tools were gathered and I hope it meets the standards and requirements of completion.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blog 2

Essay two for this class is going to be an evaluation argument/research paper. When doing the reading on the topic it seemed to make sense but the assignment itself is still a little confusing to me. Having to research ideas for a paper is not unusual but in the examples I’ve read there were not any sources referenced so I’m not sure how I’m going to put this together. The research and citing portion is going to my challenge for this assignment as well as the formatting. I thought I would have a hard time choosing a topic but I think I have finally found one. Hopefully it is one that will work, and if so I hope the rest of the paper is as easy as choosing what to write about.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

1st Post

Every time I think I have the writing thing down I take a class like this and learn there is so much more to it. There is much more perspective analysis. While reading the writing process goals and all of the different steps involve I actually became overwhelmed and started thinking about how complicated this was going to be. The fact is I enjoy writing, and as it turns out it wasn’t as complicated as I anticipated. When writing the analysis for the draft of the letter to the editor it all started making sense. Writing can be fun and a lot of the steps involved come natural. The trick will be formatting and finding a way for it all to flow. I have a feeling I might actually enjoy this class.